E-ISSN: Applied
Imapct Factor(SJIF): Appleid
Journal:Int. J Inn. Std. & Modern Res.
Email: abcd@mail.com
Contact: +91 999999999

International Journal of Innovative Studies and Modern Research


Volume: 3 ISSUE 7 July 2024 Submission is open

Aim and Vision

IJISMR Journal is Double blind Peer-reviewed, Open-access, Multidisciplinary, Online, and International Journal

Prime objective of the journal is to promote latest high quality innovations related to current trends of research. The journal provides an international forum to experienced and qualified young and senior researchers, scholars, academicians, professionals and other stakeholders to exchange their professional knowledge and experience globally to present new concepts and methodologies for the development of all area research.

IJISMR also aim to turn up a large number of audience globally with original and current research work completed on the vital issues of all the disciplines.

IJISMR provides an open access platform for Researchers, Scientists, Scholars and Engineers to exchange their research work, technical notes & surveying results among professional throughout the world in E-journal or print publication.